MiM videos in 2010

[dropcap1]I[/dropcap1]f a year shall remain in my mind forever, it’s certainly year 2010. The year I made a dream come true. The year I own my first Ferrari.

Ferrari F355 berlinetta au Dolce de Chantilly

I propose you to revisit year 2010 with 8 videos I produced in HD on track or on the road. You can also follow me on my channel on YouTube.

MechanicsInMotion on YouTube

March 2010: Ferrari Owner’s Days, Nevers Magny-Cours race track

May 2010: Tubistyle Evolution exhaust installed

May 2010: KB RossoCorsa III

June 2010: 16th Sport & Collection, 500 Ferrari against cancer

September 2010: F355, 10th anniversary (reconnaissance with RacingDriver)

September 2010: KB RossoCorsa Day IV

October 2010: FAsters Beaune (on the road)

October 2010: FAsters Beaune (on track)

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